Printed matter
- Fiction containing all or most of the following characteristics:
- Adventuresome action
- Reflection treated as action
- Ironic treatment of hackneyed tropes
- Earnest treatment of irony
- Poetry containing all or most of the following characteristics :
- Discernible but lightly executed prosody
- Dramatic voice
- Image-driven
- Cogency
- Please see our expanded guidelines before submitting poetry.
- Satire
- Frivolous
- Apolitical (i.e. not engaged in the “sport of politics”)
- Political

Web content
- Tweetable poetry (under 140 characters, no line breaks)
- Blog posts
- Brief reviews of contemporary books, short stories, TV episodes. (These don’t have to be extremely current, anything in the last two or three years would be fair game.)
- Lively commentary on classic fiction, poetry, film, music. Careful analysis and research is encouraged but should not be overtly exhibited in the finished product.
- Responses to reviews and commentary elsewhere on the web
- Anecdotes touching on Grub Street Grackle's themes
Does Grub Street Grackle pay contributors?
Yes, for printed matter we can pay a little, upon acceptance: somewhere between $20 and $50 for most contributions. For web content, the answer is “maybe.”
How does one submit?
Visit our submission manager to submit your work!